World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

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The WRD is the best available data basis on dams in the world and we are constantly striving to better it.

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Position Paper

Position Paper

Position Paper - Dam Safety and Earthquakes

Bulletin 162

Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Bulletin 178

Operation of Hydraulic Structures of Dams

Bulletin 180

Dam Surveillance - Lessons learnt from case histories

27th Congress

Marseille June 2022
ANCOLD Conference 2024

ANCOLD Conference 2024: Never the same dam twice 

Adelaide, Australia

11 - 14 November 2024


View the website here


HYDRO 2024 Secure technology for turbulent times

Messe Congress Graz (MCG), Austria

18 to 20 November 2024


View the website here


17th ICOLD International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams

Sofia, Bulgaria

9th - 12th April 2025


View the website here

Logo Chengdu2025

28th ICOLD Congress & 93rd Annual Meeting

Chengdu, China

15 May to 23rd May 2025


Visit the Website


XXI technical dam control international conference

Cracow, Poland

09 - 12 September 2025


View the website here

The world's best databasis on dams, established upon the national inventories sent by the member countries of ICOLD. The Register is continuously updated. It includes more than 55,000 Dams.


Photo Dictionnaire Technique

The Technical Dictionary on Dams provides translation of more than 3000 technical terms in the field of Dams (with Sketches, for certain terms), in the following languages: English , French , German , Spanish , Italian , Portuguese , Swedish , Slovene , Finnish .


Find the Dictionary by clicking here



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Experts gather to define research and innovation priorities for the future of Europe's Hydropower industry

March 31, 2020

On 25th March 2020, HYDROPOWER EUROPE invited experts from the hydropower industry to participate in the Second Expert Panel Consultation to define a common Research and innovation Agenda and Strategic Industry Roadmap.


Press release

30th March 2020



More than 30 experts joined an online workshop from roundtable home offices providing a valuable input on the evaluation of the first drafts of the Research and Innovation Agenda (RIA) and Strategic Industry Roadmap (SIR). Prior to the online workshop, the experts had access to the draft documents and were invited to provide with their written comments.


On the one hand, the goal of the RIA is to provide recommendations on the R&I priorities for hydro to the EU institutions and national authorities, in order to contribute shaping public spending for R&I. The document will also provide a useful reference to the entire hydropower community.


On the other hand, the goal of the SIR is to understand why communities, i.e. stakeholder, accept/reject hydropower projects, to promote the best and innovative practices in hydropower development and formulate recommendations (both to public authorities and private stakeholders) on how hydropower can contribute to the successful energy system transition, preserve the environment and increase societal resilience. SIR recognizes the overarching societal needs and trends, reflected or based on strategic European energy policy & ambition.


Altogether 11 topics were commented on:

Session 1: Barriers to large scale deployment of all sizes of hydropower

Session 2: Hydropower for a better society

Session 3: Continual improvement of the protection of environment

Session 4: Funding Hydropower Research and deployment

Session 5: Increasing Flexibility

Session 6: Optimisation of operations and maintenance

Session 7: Resilience of electromechanical equipment, construction and material technology

Session 8: Resilience of Infrastructures

Session 9: Developing new emerging concepts

Session 10: Environmental-friendly solutions

Session 11: Mitigating impact of global warming


Due to a current outbreak of COVID 19, the initial plan to organize a 2-day face to face workshop in Brussels was cancelled. Thus, HYDROPOWER EUROPE management decided to arrange an online session with roundtable home offices inviting the experts to contribute to the discussion.


The aim of Horizon2020 project, HYDROPOWER EUROPE, is to provide a focal point for reviewing and developing hydropower in Europe, and subsequently European hydropower in the wider world.


The HYDROPOWER EUROPE consortium comprises 8 partners: ICOLD: International Commission on Large Dams (coordinator); EASE: European Association for Storage of Energy; EREF: European Renewable Energies Federation; EUREC: Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres;  IHA: International Hydropower Association; SAMUI: Samui France sarl; VGB: VGB PowerTech e.V.; Zabala Innovation Consulting (Zabala Brussels).


For more information, please contact

Diana Prsancova


E  •

T  • +32 2 513 81 22



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